Monday, February 16, 2015

Night Market

I'm here and should have made a post earlier but the trip really knocks it out of you. You try not to be a wuss but you just feel like sleeping when you should be awake, but you really should be asleep because it's the time you normally would! Unless you've done it, you can't imagine it.

I walked around on my own yesterday while Kuan was at work. It's really a different world here and I do feel a little out of place because I can't understand anyone. That didn't stop me from walking around. The little shops are everywhere and you can buy anything under the sun.

When Kuan got home last night we walked to the night market. It's a few blocks from the hotel and well within walking distance. I got so wrapped up in what was going on so I didn't take one picture. I'm making Kuan take me back so I can some.

It's really amazing! There is everything under the sun to buy. It's shop after shop after shop. We went to get our eyes examined and ordered glasses and contacts.  We took our own RayBan frames with us, and got one pair of glasses and contacts each, with an eye exam, for $650 US. That's pretty good considering my last eye exam in the US cost me $185. That was just an exam. No glasses or contacts included.

We ate dinner also. Dinner came from several different vendors. This is way out of the box for me. I'm a pretty tame person when it comes to food. Our first stop was chicken. I should have known with Kuan because this man loves some chicken. It was a split breast and was breaded. The chicken was super crispy and a little spicy. I loved it. We ate several other things from several other vendors. Some good some bad, but I tried everything. Really an amazing experience.

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