Thursday, February 19, 2015

Travel to Taipei

Yesterday we traveled to Taipei. We did not travel like tourist. Instead we traveled like locals. It's nice being with Kuan because essentially he is a local. My phone showed that I walked 7 miles yesterday, but the big deal is the mileage we clocked. 

We traveled on the train from Taichung City to Taipei, and we had to stand the whole trip. A lot of people were traveling to Taipei for holiday because of the New Year. The trip took a little more than two hours. Every seat was full and every inch of the aisle. 

Once we got to Taipei we took the light rail all around the city. Basically you can travel the entire city on the train system. It was pretty easy to figure out which train to take, and where to transfer. Of course again Kuan has us traveling like locals running from one train to the next. 

We took the train to Taipei 101. We could not go to the observation deck but we walked around the very flashy mall. Every brand you can think of was there and it was about four stories tall.

Our night ended at the Ximon night market and a couple beers at the local gay bar. There is a pretty strong gay culture here in Taipei. The bars are all located in the Red House district. The area is filled with artist selling their art. 

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