Saturday, February 21, 2015

Taipei Zoo

My phone shows almost ten miles today. We went to the zoo today and got to see the panda's. It was great to see them for the first time in person, but the place was wall to wall people.  The crowds were really big today. There were times when we couldn't move because there were so many people in the way.

Kuan was super happy to see his favorite pandas. When we arrived at the zoo the signs indicated that the panda exhibit was not open. Kuan talked to a nice gentleman before we bought our tickets and he said that the exhibit was so packed with people that they were not allowing any more people in. Kuan told him how w came from the US and wouldn't be back for a long time and the guy gave us special tickets to see the exhibit.

We got back to Ximon area and moved to our new room. We have a great view tonight and can see Taipei 101 in the distance. We went out for a couple beers at the gay bar and are now back in our room getting ready for bed.

Tomorrow is a big day with an hour long ride back to Tiachung City. This time we will travel on the high speed rail and have a seat for the trip.

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